Gifts of art and genius are given few among us. A kind of innate talent, which can become productive with practice and may lead to global change.

However, I keep asking myself as an experimentalist if genius and art follow any rules? Do they need to be recognized in order to exist? Do my creations need to conform to certain concepts of beauty, form, medium, that the world has gotten used to link with these two definitions. I usually do my best to avoid preconception, and I value the creative process itself. 

Art is genius. It is a fact. However, I notice that many people need to see a set of rules apply to art creations before they can label works of art as such. Is that a good thing? Does that mean that genius and art are limited and bound by the world in which they take birth? Yes, it kind of does. Based on that, art become like any tactical job, watch mechanics, history… Even then, art and genius creators keep an advantage; that of being the only ones who can tell you how their work came to be.