Gifts of art and genius are given few among us. A kind of innate talent, […]
Fall cleanup
It took a week, but I did it. I needed grounding and centering, and there […]
Quoting a friend
Mads Holger is a very special man I knew and worked with. As I sat wondering yesterday about […]
White/Rye bread
Let us agree that most bread on the market shelves is made with refined flour […]
The ongoing Daiishi catastrophe
Yes, if there was a WW3, a third of planet Earth’s living creatures could vanish […]
A word to the wise
Because of my own perception of the current situation in the Middle East, allow me […]
I have been a little busy
Ever since our new governor assigned me to chair the Hunger Relief Committee in District […]
Weekly batches
I cook in batches earlier every week, mostly in double batches. Any working mother will […]
Fresh fruits and veggies on the menu
As I strolled through the produce aisle at the supermarket with my daughter and as […]